News of 2010
January 2010
At Ashford & Faversham Kiszie was 2nd Junior, Scooby was 2nd Post Graduate & Yarla was 1st Open BOB & Group 2 under Ken Bartlett
We havent been to any other shows due to bad weather & shows being cancelled.
February 2010
Michaela was judging at Worthing & Dist and had a super time and found some lovely dogs during her judging
Not been to any shows due to Melissa being in hospital for an operation, hopefully will get to a couple of shows before Crufts
At Kent CS Meme was 1st Veteran Hound & Best Veteran Hound under Serena Parker, Kiszie was 1st Junior & BOB, Scooby was 1st Post Gradate & RBOB, Yarla was 2nd Open under Amber Henshaw
March 2010
At Folkestone & Hythe Kiszie won 1st AV Toy Junior & RBOB, Scooby won 1st AV Toy Post Graduate BOB & pulled out to last 8 for BIS. Yarla was 2nd AV Toy Open under Nigel Cook
At Crufts Shaggy was 2nd Veteran Dog & Yarla was 5th in Limit Bitch, had lovely time meeting up with lots of friends
We said goodbye to Angel (Sharhazlah Heavenly Angel) litter sister to Shaggy she has gone to Rainbow bridge RIP Angel
We went on holiday to the lovely country of Jamaica, and just arrived back into the UK before flights were cancelled.
April 2010
No shows always a quiet month for Sharhazlah
May 2010
At Sutton Meme wins Best Veteran in Show under Mrs Pretty
At UK Paper Yarla wins 1st Open & Best AV Toy, Kiszie was 2nd AV Toy Post Graduate, Scooby was 3rd AV Toy Post Graduate under Mr Blewett & Meme was Best Veteran in Show under Mrs Pike
June 2010
At Southern Counties Shaggy won Best Veteran Pomeranian, & Kiszie was 3rd in Junior bitch
Not many shows due Melissa being in hospital
July 2010
At East of England Championship Show Meme won 1st Veteran Stakes under Mr David Cavill
New pictures coming of Meme, Kiszie, Yarla & Scooby
At Peterborough Show Yarla took BOB under Mrs Linda Benton-Taylor & Group 1 under Mrs Virginia Barwell. Kiszie was 2nd in Post Graduate under Mrs Linda Benton-Taylor
August 2010
At Paignton Kiszie was 1st Yealing & Yarla was 5th Open under Mr Francis Yeoh. We had a lovely week down in Devon with our new caravan.
Only a couple of shows this month.
Watch this space for some exciting news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
September 2010
Melissa has been handling Aust Ch Laurieton His Masters Voice (Imp Aust) LH Dachshund during 2010.
At Richmond Kiszie was 2nd Yearling & Shaggy was 2nd Veteran under Mrs Norma Inglis
October 2010
At Barking & Dist Scooby won BOB under Miss Amber Henshaw.
14 Oct we said goodbye to Romeo (Pixietown Love Is All over Sharhazlah) he went to sleep & didnt wake up again, he has gone to rainbow bridge to be with the others from Sharhazlah, they will look after him 02/05/04-14/10/10
Do not mourn my passing for if you could only see
By slipping all my earthly bonds, I'm young again and free.
By day I run the Heavenly fields, my body healthy and strong
At night I sleep at Angels' Feet, lulled by Celestial Song.
So do not mourn my passing, just close your eyes - you'll see
... I'm once again that frisky pup, just as you remember me.
Added new page for Fleur
December 2010
Happy Christmas to All our Friends Home & Aboard All the best for 2011
Our last show of the year and not been to many since October.
At Wealdstone & Northold CS Fleur was 1st Afghan Puppy & Best Puppy in Breed under Mr Richard Kingsley we were unable to show the poms due to change of jugde and the replacement judge has already given them BOB's.
At Ashford & Faversham Kiszie was 2nd Junior, Scooby was 2nd Post Graduate & Yarla was 1st Open BOB & Group 2 under Ken Bartlett
We havent been to any other shows due to bad weather & shows being cancelled.
February 2010
Michaela was judging at Worthing & Dist and had a super time and found some lovely dogs during her judging
Not been to any shows due to Melissa being in hospital for an operation, hopefully will get to a couple of shows before Crufts
At Kent CS Meme was 1st Veteran Hound & Best Veteran Hound under Serena Parker, Kiszie was 1st Junior & BOB, Scooby was 1st Post Gradate & RBOB, Yarla was 2nd Open under Amber Henshaw
March 2010
At Folkestone & Hythe Kiszie won 1st AV Toy Junior & RBOB, Scooby won 1st AV Toy Post Graduate BOB & pulled out to last 8 for BIS. Yarla was 2nd AV Toy Open under Nigel Cook
At Crufts Shaggy was 2nd Veteran Dog & Yarla was 5th in Limit Bitch, had lovely time meeting up with lots of friends
We said goodbye to Angel (Sharhazlah Heavenly Angel) litter sister to Shaggy she has gone to Rainbow bridge RIP Angel
We went on holiday to the lovely country of Jamaica, and just arrived back into the UK before flights were cancelled.
April 2010
No shows always a quiet month for Sharhazlah
May 2010
At Sutton Meme wins Best Veteran in Show under Mrs Pretty
At UK Paper Yarla wins 1st Open & Best AV Toy, Kiszie was 2nd AV Toy Post Graduate, Scooby was 3rd AV Toy Post Graduate under Mr Blewett & Meme was Best Veteran in Show under Mrs Pike
June 2010
At Southern Counties Shaggy won Best Veteran Pomeranian, & Kiszie was 3rd in Junior bitch
Not many shows due Melissa being in hospital
July 2010
At East of England Championship Show Meme won 1st Veteran Stakes under Mr David Cavill
New pictures coming of Meme, Kiszie, Yarla & Scooby
At Peterborough Show Yarla took BOB under Mrs Linda Benton-Taylor & Group 1 under Mrs Virginia Barwell. Kiszie was 2nd in Post Graduate under Mrs Linda Benton-Taylor
August 2010
At Paignton Kiszie was 1st Yealing & Yarla was 5th Open under Mr Francis Yeoh. We had a lovely week down in Devon with our new caravan.
Only a couple of shows this month.
Watch this space for some exciting news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
September 2010
Melissa has been handling Aust Ch Laurieton His Masters Voice (Imp Aust) LH Dachshund during 2010.
At Richmond Kiszie was 2nd Yearling & Shaggy was 2nd Veteran under Mrs Norma Inglis
October 2010
At Barking & Dist Scooby won BOB under Miss Amber Henshaw.
14 Oct we said goodbye to Romeo (Pixietown Love Is All over Sharhazlah) he went to sleep & didnt wake up again, he has gone to rainbow bridge to be with the others from Sharhazlah, they will look after him 02/05/04-14/10/10
Do not mourn my passing for if you could only see
By slipping all my earthly bonds, I'm young again and free.
By day I run the Heavenly fields, my body healthy and strong
At night I sleep at Angels' Feet, lulled by Celestial Song.
So do not mourn my passing, just close your eyes - you'll see
... I'm once again that frisky pup, just as you remember me.
Added new page for Fleur
December 2010
Happy Christmas to All our Friends Home & Aboard All the best for 2011
Our last show of the year and not been to many since October.
At Wealdstone & Northold CS Fleur was 1st Afghan Puppy & Best Puppy in Breed under Mr Richard Kingsley we were unable to show the poms due to change of jugde and the replacement judge has already given them BOB's.